
Friday, December 25, 2009

Beginner Bonsai Trees Simple Tips

Story : Herb Daniels

Bonsai trees are diminutive and exquisite examples of larger trees. To keep them small, they spend their lives in shallow containers. Just about any type of tree can be a bonsai. Nurseries and some stores carry beginner bonsai trees, which are just waiting for you to train them into a lovely design. Prior to training a bonsai, it is essential that you understand what is about to take place.

Pointers on Beginner Bonsai Trees

To further develop beginner bonsai trees, some parts of the plants will need to be removed in order to create fine-looking presentations. Beginner bonsai trees have no planned shape when you first get them. Therefore, their future motifs will be entirely up to the whims of their new owners.

It is possible to choose from many bonsai styles. Some of the more popular and less complicated ones include the windswept, cascade, slanting, formal upright, informal upright and the bunjin designs. Hobbyists about to grow beginner bonsai trees are able to select any style they will be happy with. While making the purchase, notice if a certain bonsai tree already has a tendency toward a specific shape. Does it have a crooked trunk or branches that suit a particular form? Carefully taking the time to observe the features of a new bonsai can be greatly rewarding, as well as inspiring.

Invest time in learning how to prune both the crown and the roots of your beginner bonsai trees. Pruning implies cutting off specific parts to encourage more growth or to engender a hearty plant. Repotting and pruning of the beginner Bonsai trees also encourage them to grow faster. Further, you will need to replace the container of your bonsai repeatedly every one or two years to stimulate continued health and in order to access the roots for pruning. This will also encourage faster growth, which can mean more pruning will be needed.

Since many varities of bonsai trees which have been shipped from tropical or subtropical regions, are not able to withstand cold and the shallow bonsai containers can freeze when left outside in winter snow and cold, it is recommended that you bring your beginner bonsai trees inside during the cold season in your area.

To prevent the soil from drying out too quickly, it is best to place beginner bonsai trees away from inside heat sources such as radiators. The container can also be placed on top of some pebbles in a shallow water dish to keep the humidity up around the plant. The container should not be directly in the water, just above it. Also, make sure the bonsai plants are not left too close to windows, because excess cold can stress a tree to the point of death. The more research you do to duplicate the conditions of a bonsai tree's origins, the easier it will be to promote its healthy survival for many years to come.

This is all you'll need to remember to care for your beginner bonsai trees, trim the plant regularly, provide water and high humidty, warmth, and occasional feeding, for best growth. Following this plan will bring you many years of satisfying bonsai gardening time.

About Author Herb Daniels :
Herb Daniels is an amateur gardener living on the East Coast of Florida puttering around in his garden as time and weather allows. Herb has a web site where he posts a few articles and other information about Beginner Bonsai Trees

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How to Grow Bonsai - Bonsai Tools and Equipment

Bonsai tool sets from
Story by Paul J Martin

To begin with, you can make do with ordinary household tools such as nail scissors, secateurs, modeling knife etc. If you only have one or two trees, you can manage with improvised tools for as long as you like. But if you become a true bonsai hobbyist, you'll want to build your own set of bonsai tools. Where bonsai tools are concerned, buying the cheapest is certainly a false economy. Bonsai tools are expensive at the best of times, so cheap ones are rarely very cheap and the poor quality will disappoint you. Look for brand-marked Japanese tools nothing fancy, just plain black.

Looked after properly, they'll last a lifetime.


You can try salvaging some copper wire from electrical or telephone cables, then annealing it by heating it to red hot and allowing it to cool slowly - and then you'll need to wash off the soot. On the other hand, while you're spending money on tools, you might as well pick up some wire at the same time.

Wire is used for shaping branches, and for this ordinary garden wire - green-plastic-coated iron is far too rigid and is sure to damage the bark when you apply it. Traditionally, either annealed copper wire or brown anodized aluminum wire is used.

Copper hardens as it is bent, so it has greater holding power than aluminium - ideal for the springier branches of conifers. The gentler aluminum wire is kinder to the less supple branches of deciduous trees. Having said that, aluminum is usually cheaper and works as well as copper provided you use a thicker gauge.

There are nine gauges of aluminium wire, ranging from 1 mm to 6 mm. Copper wire gauges vary from supplier to supplier, but are roughly equivalent.

To begin with, you should buy small packs of the smaller sizes. When you've worked out which sizes you need more of, go for larger coils.

Other equipment.

When re-potting time arrives, you'll need sieves to remove the dust and coarse particles from your soil ingredients. A set of three with mesh sizes of 2 mm, 3 mm and 4 mm will be plenty for most small and medium-size bonsai. Larger bonsai in larger pots need larger soil particles, so an additional sieve with a 6-mm mesh would be useful. A bonsai soil scoop makes life easier at this time as well.

You'll also need a bonsai root hook and some chopsticks (or a Western substitute such as knitting needles) for teasing out the roots. Japanese bonsai root hooks are a little too brutal for most trees, and the tiny rakes with tweezers at the other end are only useful for weeding the pot. My favorite root hook is one that I made from a piece of 4-mm steel m and an old chisel handle over 20 years ago.

A turntable is invaluable for trimming, wiring or just contemplating your bonsai. Then are several all-singing, all-dancing Japanese bonsai turntable:

available but they are very expensive. An old cake decorator's turntable or a plastic TV turntable will do just as well.

There are many more useful little gadgets you can pick up along the way, but those discussed here are the ones that, if not essential, are hard to do without.

For loads of tips and advice on growing and keeping bonsai trees you must visit Try reading this article about fertilising bonsai The author is the writer at

Article Source:

Monday, November 30, 2009

6 Important Tips for Beginner Bonsai Tree Caretakers

By Jon Weaver

Bonsai trees are a wonderful hobby to enjoy for a lifetime. However, when most people start out, most of their bonsai trees fall sick and die within a few weeks. Bonsai trees are extremely sensitive to their conditions and the caretaker needs to learn how to properly take care of these wonderful and attractive plants. Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions about caring for bonsai trees, and their answers.

Q: What about selecting the proper containers, and should they have drain holes?

A: All containers have one or more drain holes; otherwise the trees will not be healthy, they will soon look sickly and finally die.

Q: What proportion between tree and container do you advise?

A: What is generally considered the ideal or artistic proportion is the tree 80% and the container 20%; or for dwarfer shrubs or low spreading trees, the plant 60% and the container 40%. In general, the smaller containers are better.

In a shallow oblong or elliptical container, the tree should be planted at a point 70% of the distance from the right or the left end, according to the spread and shape of the branches, so that the bulk of the tree greenery is centered in relation to the container. In a square or round container, the plant is placed in the center, except cascade forms; these are planted toward the edge.

Q: I need information on pruning, both theory and practice.

A: Both root pruning and proper pruning of branches are important elements in caring for bonsai. The constant renewal or re-growth of the root system is essential to the proper health of the trunk and branches above ground. The root system will itself remain healthy only if properly pruned. This operation is associated with transplanting, and detailed directions of that can be found for free at -- the fundamental rule in root pruning is to keep the root system "happily" within the limited dimensions of the container.

Q: Suppose I find a tree 3 feet tall at a commercial nursery that has healthy low-growing limbs and other qualities that would make a good bonsai. Shall I buy it?

A: Yes. But understand that it will need special culturing. When you get home with it (assuming that it was balled and bur-lapped at the nursery), here are the main steps to take:

1) Pot it in a container large enough not to disturb the root ball. This may be a large commercial clay pot or a small wooden tub. Better yet, make a square or rectangular container, 6 to 8 inches high and just wide enough to accommodate the root ball. Fill in with additional soil around the root ball, and press firmly. Leave an inch at the top of the container to facilitate adequate watering.

2) A tree 3 feet high is too tall for a good bonsai. Cut off the terminal 1.5 feet (approximately). Make the cut just above a side branch that can then be wired into the terminal position.

3) After 2 years in the container, with appropriate and continuous pruning and wiring of side branches, as needed, the tree should be transplanted to a container of smaller dimensions, both shallower and smaller in diameter. After a year or two in the smaller container, transplant to a still smaller authentic bonsai pot, and you are on your way!

Q: Should one deprive the little trees of as much water as possible?

A: Bonsai should be kept drier than ordinary ornamental plants in pots; but if the object is to dwarf the trees or to keep them dwarfed, it is no use to make them bone-dry. Want of water only makes them stunted or unhealthy.

If there is such a thing as a fundamental principle in watering bonsai, it is this: water liberally but be sure that the soil drains amply. In most cases, it does not matter how many times a day bonsai are watered if the soil has perfect drainage and does not hold the slightest excess of water.

This fundamental principle may be modified to suit the individual case, according to the kind of soil obtainable, the climate, the kinds of trees grown, the containers used, and the amount of time one can spare each day for bonsai.

Q: What do I need to know about winter care?

A: Winter care differs for hardy and non-hardy or tender plants.

Hardy plants are those that can live outdoors in the coldest weather without danger of winterkilling. They are not house plants but are real outdoor plants. Hardy species growing in bonsai containers present a special problem if left outdoors in below-freezing winter weather. Soil in the containers will freeze, and the containers will break. Moreover, it is impossible to properly water bonsai growing in firmly frozen soil.

If a sun porch or cold but light room is available where the night temperature never falls below about 36 degrees F, this would provide a good place for wintering hardy or semi-hardy bonsai.

Here is another suggestion for wintering hardy or semi-hardy bonsai in a freezing climate: keep them in an insulated deep cold-frame. It should be shaded by a lath house. The soil in bonsai pots, with such protection, should never freeze if the night temperatures do not go much below 0 degrees F. The bonsai should be watered as needed, and on warmer non-freezing winter days, it is well to remove the protective covering and give the plants full air. Be sure to replace the covering sash before sunset!

Many non-hardy or tender species trained as bonsai should be treated as house plants and never left out in the cold.

Just follow these few tips to help ensure that your bonsai trees stay healthy and attractive for decades to come. However, as with most hobbies and skills, experience will be the ultimate teacher.

FREE information on how to grow, train and care for Bonsai Trees. Advice, tips and tricks for beginners and advanced growers alike. It's FREE! Click here:

Article Source:

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Caring For Bonsai Trees - Pruning, Thinning and Pinching

Photo by
Story by Christine McKinnon

As a beginner to caring for bonsai trees, I was keen to start making it grow the way I wanted, but perhaps I was being a little impatient. Bonsai are not like house plants, they take years to form into the beautiful works of art that I admired. I am a newcomer to bonsai and are just learning the basics of keeping my tree alive. What I really needed to know about pruning at this time was how to keep my tree 'under control' and keep it miniature and in the original shape by removing any excessive new growth.

To keep the growth balanced and in shape, pruning is necessary and this is without doubt one of the most enjoyable and satisfying aspects of the hobby. Do not be afraid of pruning - it is an essential part of caring for bonsai, helping to create miniature trees, rather than overgrown bushes.

Branches help to thicken the trunk and you although you will often find too many branches on the Bonsai's that are sold commercially it pays to keep in mind that you can not put it back once its been cut it off! When removing branches, if unsure whether the branch should be removed completely, prune back and leave some buds that could grow back if desired, so that your options are left open. So don't go crazy, my advise would be: if you're not sure, leave it be.

It is said that 'as you cut for the roots, you cut for the branches.' That is to say, when you are pruning the branches of your Bonsai tree, you are going for a balance of the foliage and root systems. There is a close relationship between new shoots and new roots - when a tree's shoots are extending, so are the roots. This is an important fact to remember when caring for bonsai trees.

This is another reason why it is best to prune at this time, before there is excess foliage that would place too much demand on a smaller root system.

Pruning branches must be done carefully and thoughtfully to ensure that you end up with your desired shape. When you are branch pruning, you are removing the thicker branches that clutter the style of the Bonsai tree. These may be 'sticking out' at all angles and detracting from the basic design of the tree.

The types of branches to prune in particular are crossing branches, which are the branches that cross the trunk or each other.

To remove these thicker branches it is a good idea to use a pair of concave cutters. These specially designed cutters allow you to remove the heavy branches without leaving ugly scars.

Trimming is the pruning of the lighter branches and foliage butterfly shears' are usually used for this.

Pinching is simply removing any new growth such as buds and foliage before it extends so that it is placed more evenly amongst the branches of the tree. It encourages growth nearer to the trunk and lower branches by not letting the leaves of the higher branches 'take over'. If you omit this stage when caring for bonsai trees, the lower branches and foliage become weaker and won't grow as well.

Bonsai trees tend to be broad at the trunk base and taper towards an apex. It's important to 'pinch' the leaves and buds once you have as many as you want as this will stop the tree from expending unnecessary energy growing foliage that is not required.

You can do this using your thumb and forefinger or on very delicate areas you can use a pair of tweezers to remove small buds from within shoots.

With a little knowledge, over time, I will be able to trim and pinch my tree to train it to grow into an interesting, aesthetically pleasing shape that will impress my family and friends with my knowledge of caring for bonsai trees. In the meanwhile, I will be looking at different trees to develop an idea of what mine might eventually look like.

About the Author

If you would like to know the step by step secrets the Bonsai masters use when caring for bonsai trees <<= = Click this link NOW!" Also, here's another 'must see' article about bonsai trees care.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Learn The Ancient Secrets To The Art of Bonsai Trees Care!

The art of bonsai trees care is widely attributed to have developed in China more than a thousand years ago. Its true roots lie in antiquity as Archaeologists have found evidence of trees grown in containers in ancient Egypt, the Middle East and Mediterranean.

One of the bonsai legends from China concerns an emperor who used bonsais to create a miniature model of his entire kingdom, complete with rivers, lakes, hills and trees, so he could view the world he ruled over from his palace window. He would, of course, have had servants did all the bonsai trees care for him - and woe betide them if they should die.

The Japanese have, in the centuries since, refined the growing and care for bonsai trees and it's now become a hobby practiced widely throughout the world. The word bonsai is itself Japanese. It is in fact two words - bon, meaning tray and sai meaning growing.

Many bonsai growers use wire to help twist their tree's trunk into gnarled and windswept shapes, sometimes giving them the appearance of dragons or birds. The shape speaks of tranquility, endurance and a timelessness that evokes an emotional response.

The tree, despite being miniaturized, behaves like its full grown relatives and experiences the rhythm of the season, losing its leaves in winter and, if it's a flowering shrub, producing buds in spring. As the creator, and those tasked with the bonsai trees care, this gives a rewarding sense of creativity and hopefully inner peace.

When creating a bonsai, almost any woody stemmed tree or shrub can be used. Firstly you must decide whether you want your bonsai tree inside or outside. Inside trees do not thrive outside and generally the same goes for outside trees placed indoors. Two trees often recommended for beginners are the Japanese red maple and the juniper. You can of course choose to start with seeds, but they do take a little more time and effort.

In order to make the right choice, you must decide what style you are looking for. They range from a full cascading shape, to windswept and upright and a number of in-between variations . One of the easiest for beginners is what's known as the "formal upright". This type of bonsai has a straight trunk with the widest branches at the bottom. The branches get smaller as they proceed up the trunk so that you end up with a shape rather like a triangle. Trees easy to cultivate in this manner include the juniper, spruce, larch and pine - all of which are again relatively easy and popular varieties for a beginner.

One of the most popular styles is the windswept look, where a gnarled, ancient looking tree appears to have survived centuries of wintry blasts. Many of these specimens can live for centuries with proper bonsai trees care, others are nowhere near as old as they look. Bonsai masters have, over the years, perfected the art of creating that tortured, aged appearance.

A very important thing consider, when selecting your tree, is to ensure that it has a good root spread and balance. You should also look carefully at the leaves. Small leaves, close together, help create a plentiful illusion when in fact the branch is so small, there is limited space for abundance.

Look at the trunk. Does it have an interesting shape? Is there a curve or sweep that can be encouraged through binding? What sort of texture does the bark have? Selecting a tree with the right qualities in the first instance can help quicken and enhance your end result and this will help to make you successful with bonsai trees care.

Choose the pot to complement your tree and get some expert advice on how to prune the top of your tree. Consider carefully which branches to remove and which to keep in order to create the desired effect. Never remove more than a third of the foliage in one go. It generally takes three to five years of growth and bonsai trees care to obtain the shape you are seeking.

There will come a time when you bonsai will need its roots trimmed and to be repotted. That's generally done anywhere between one and five years after purchase of your tree and something you can take time to learn. As you don't want to end up killing your tree, it's vitally important though to get the proper know how first.

Another vital aspect for bonsai trees care is watering. You should check the soil at least once every two weeks. Not enough water and your tree could be very quickly fighting drought conditions. Too much water and it will be at risk from fungal infections and root rot.

Just like any other plant, bonsais need light - but some more than others. Leafy trees for instance prefer semi-shade and tough-needled pines like full sun. Feeding will also help keep your bonsai healthy, especially as their small pots can easily get drained of nutrients. There are a variety of different fertilizers you can use and again it is best to seek out specialist knowledge to find the right type to suit your particular tree.

While all this may seem like a lot to take in, bonsai trees care is really simply a matter of following a few basic, time tested rules and you can become successful with the cultivation of beautiful bonsai trees.

About Author Christine McKinnon :
If you'd like to learn more about the easy tips of Bonsai trees care mentioned in this article, you can do so here

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tea Tree Bonsai: The Most Difficult To Grow

Story by: Naomi West

There are a mixture of trees that you have the ability to select from to develop into a Bonsai. This is a special art of gardening that is very difficult and must be completed correctly in order to get the best outcomes possible. One of the more rare species of trees that you have the ability to grow is the New Zealand Tea Tree - which is also best-known as the Leptospermum.

This is also one of the most pretty trees that you will ever get to see. It produces flowers that are similar to the wild roses that have little and spiky evergreen leaves. The bark has a stunning and ancient look to it giving it an appeal that you are growing something genuinely special. But you must be careful because this is one of the most difficult types that you have the ability to choose to develop.

In order for it to grow properly it demands a large amount of sunshine - which makes it better for individuals to grow it outdoors. However, it has the ability to be grown inside of the home within a room that gets sunlight through most of the day. For most plants using fluorescent lighting will aid to substitute for sunshine - but not when it comes to this plant.

The soil that you utilize need to be moist always. Growing any type of Bonsai can be difficult when trying to water it - but this is even more so. If you do not give it enough water it will die within three to four hours. Still, you need to also make sure not to give it too much.

Trimming is another important method when growing Bonsai trees. Ordinarily you can direct the tree to grow in the direction you wish by how you trim it. The Tea Tree will not let you do them any way but the cascade. You have to moderate the growth of the flowers as well as the leaves - but not so much that the branch will die.

About the Author
A Beginner Bonsai Tree will help you to learn some crucial Bonsai Care Instructions that will make growing one successful.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bonsai Organic Gardening Techniques

photo by:the-gardener-guy-blog
story by: Amy Nutt

Because of the toxins associated with fertilizers and pesticides, many people are turning to organic gardening. The Bonsai is one plant that people are adding to their organic gardens. Originating in Asia, bonsai gardening has become very popular throughout the world. Bonsai plants require a lot of loving care. Growing them is often considered an art form.

Organic Soil and Fertilization

The proper soil mixtures and fertilizers are essential for healthy bonsai growth. Research shows that the best bonsai soils are soils that have organic matters. Bonsai soil tends to be a loose, quick-draining mix of natural and non-chemically treated soil. The foundation is a mixture of sand or gravel, fired clay pellets, or shale, which is mixed with an organic compound such as peat or bark. Volcanic clay soils are a preferred selection in Japan. Kadama and Kanuma are two popular choices.

Bonsai trees require a fair amount of organic fertilizer. Fertilizer should only be given to the bonsai after watering. Feeding is usually performed once every two weeks during the summer months, and then reduced to once a month for the remainder of year. Organic fertilizers, organic liquid fertilizers are available at many online organic plant stores. You should call your local plant store to see if they have any organic bonsai supplies in stock. Manure and compost are two examples of organic feeds that can used when growing a bonsai tree. It is important to work organic mixtures into the soil.

You use your own compost in your bonsai organic soil mix. To do this, you will require more than one type of compost. According to most bonsai experts, the best organic bonsai soil mix is 40% compost, 30 % seramis clay granule, and 30% grit.

Watering Your Bonsai

With minimal space in a bonsai pot, careful and frequent attention is required to make sure the tree is adequately watered. Sun, heat and wind can dry bonsai trees in a short time which ca result in permanent damage. You need to know the needs of your particular tree because some trees can survive short periods of dry spells, while others need constant moisture. Deciduous trees are more susceptible to dehydration. Evergreens can appear to handle periods of dry conditions better, but do not display any signs of damage until it is has occurred. One indication of damage is that the leaves will start wilting.

The process of watering is different than how you would normally water regular houseplant. Bonsai trees require submersion of the whole pot in water for several minutes. Once you remove the pot, allow the bonsai to drain. Too much watering can result in root rot and fungal infestations. Free draining soil prevents water-logging. To maintain proper soil, provide water in small amounts frequently because there is a flushing effect when the water is added. Bonsai plants are repotted regularly during their development. This encourages new feeder root growth so that the tree will be able to absorb moisture better. When they mature, they are repotted less often.

Young bonsai, known as potensai, are placed in 'growing boxes.' The large boxes permit the roots to grow which allows for food and water consumption as well as adding life to the tree. When the bonsai has outgrown the 'growing box,' it is then replanted in a 'training box.' This box is smaller allowing for a denser root mass. This makes reorganicplanting the bonsai in its final pot much easier.

Growing bonsai trees can be a very peaceful and spiritual experience. With the right care and trimming techniques, you can grow a beautiful living piece of art.
About Author Amy Nutt :
Organic gardening guide features tips and solutions to common garden issues - Redenta's is committed to a natural and sustainable approach to organic gardening and organic gardening supplies. Visit

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Art Of Bonsai - What Builds it Becoming Interesting?

Photo by: Cultural
Story by: Jason Rolances

It is no doubt that the art of bonsai is a exclusive and charming tradition that has lived for many centuries especially in Japan. The design and the tradition of bonsai have been used well in Japan. Shrinking a lot of varieties of plants to keep them small is what people call the art of bonsai. But you have to know that todays, many people like applying full grown plants better to get the bonsai look.

Actually, the entire process of Bonsai is the thing that manufactures a large appreciation for the gardeners.

The Beginning rules of The Art Of Bonsai

The art of bonsai begins with selecting the appropriate container as the starting point to grow your Bonsai plant. The first planter that is applied is named a training pot. This pot can actually be formed in the classic Bonsai styles like round, oval, square, hexagonal or even square. It is a nice plan to get the appropriate form for the plant that you want to grow. Some cascading plants look better in round or rectangle pots.

Placing the plant is also an important part of the art of bonsai. If the plant is a tree, locate it well so that it is slightly off center in the pot. Cascading plants have to be located rather different so that they can flow over the side of the pot. It is a good plan to place them in the center of the pot.

The later instructions in the art of bonsai are the developmental ones that will offer you the final look of the plant. Firstly, you have to form the plant. Take a close look at the natural flow of the plant and use that as a guide to begin forming your Bonsai plant. By trimming off excessive branches and gently nipping off excessive leaves, you can form the plant prettily.

You can also form your plant by applying wire. generally, a heavy duty wire is utilized to pull and also mold the plant into the prettiest form you need. So, using wire in the starting point is going to set your plants to grow in the appropriate direction.

Not only the branch, in the art of bonsai, the roots of the plants also have to be pruned tomaintain
the plant from cultivating to its mature height. Just make sure to prune off unneeded roots to the main trunks growth. While surface roots can put to the appeal of the Bonsai plant and may be left.

Keep in mind to offer your lovely bonsai plenty of water to create it thrive on time. Just leave outside the plants that are generally live outside in the summer. And slow down your watering when it achieves the end of August in order to reproduce the winter months. So, if you are bonsai lover, you will be fascinated more and more about this hobby just since of the art of bonsai!

Thus, does the above-mentioned information still not satisfy your need in knowing about the art of bonsai? Explore more the suitable information herein!

About the Author

For additional benefits you will get with the the art of bonsai, testimonials and the reason why people need to know more about Bonsai to decorate their home, just click the links on Bonsai Gardenia.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Artificial Bonsai Trees Are Exotic

photo by : Bonsai Design
Story by: IC

Artificial bonsai trees are exotic because of the way they look, and also because of the way it can be presented. A lot of hard work goes into the creation of these trees, and they are designed with a lot of care. Real vines are used for the trunks of these trees, and they are all different. Most of the time, the type of vines will not be repeated in these artificial trees.

There are plenty of varieties to choose from this as well. You will have exotic leaf types, and they are of course made in reference to real ones. They are quite unlike other artificial trees as they have some unique patterns. They are twisted in the trunks, and they do not have much height like other trees. However this is what makes them different from the others.

The use of these trees will give you great opportunities to be creative. This is because they look in such a way that you can place them in various places, where you may not be able to use with other trees. A lot of lighting can be used along with these trees as well. They will give additional excitement to the use, as there could be various ways of lighting these trees.

The best way to present them is to use a single spotlight, and this will do wonders to enhance the look of the tree. Since they come in various sizes, and some of them of them are very small, they would even suit bookshelf decorations. This is how versatile the use gets, and there are many interesting things you can note about these artificial trees.

The creators work towards making them with the hands, so that they are very well crafted. If the tree has fruits of any sort, they are designed and painted with the hands. They also make the leaves of the tree very intricate by using the hands. Some of the bonsai artificial trees are designed in such a way that you will be able to redecorate the parts as you wish.

Thus if you are bored with one particular look, you can keep changing the parts of the tree to suit your requirements. Because of the size and flexible decorating options, these trees are much sought after. Their price factor is another reason that people would want to use them. For a cheap price, you get to make the room very exotic in nature.

The use of these trees can be very versatile of course. Since this has a very subtle look, they will be apt for office rooms. Not only in office rooms, could they be used in various other places as well? They would suit any environment because their designs would blend in easily. Above all they have a very classy and unique feel to them. These trees would be available in many stores, as they are very popular due to these reasons. Finding them is an easy task as well.

About the author:
IC endorses Karl Amerson content author. Find the latest information on
artificial bonsai trees as well as artificial bonsai trees visit us at

Article Source:

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bougainvillea Bonsai – as Beautiful as Nothing Else

Photo: Dan Culbert, UF/IFAS
By: Rob

Everybody wants his or her living room to be attractive. One of the methods to do it is planting an internal Bonsai tree. Bonsai Tree assists an individual to bring the beauty of the nature into his house. There are various bonsai trees obtainable. Bougainvillea is one of the most developed bonsai trees. It is an admired indoor plant, which can grow to the extent of four meters. It has brilliant magenta flowers in the middle of fertile green leaves. The bougainvillea favors a humid and dehydrated condition that makes it suitable for house and office. It is simply obtainable in plant sales outlet or getting it from the one who has grown it. But an improved source is from old backyards and from waste piles.

Many aspects like watering, lights, warmth and nourishing are most important for the bougainvillea bonsai. As much as watering is concerned, the bougainvillea more often likes to be dry and has to be watered carefully. On the other hand, all through it’s growing; the bonsai needs more quantity of water. Bonsai likes to be under complete sunshine and never allow the sun to burn the leaves of the plant. In cool weathers bougainvillea turns out to be deciduous. This bonsai must be placed at a temperature of 49F to 54F. The pests must as well be taken into account while growing bonsai. In this case, pests are uncommon but still don’t take a chance. Greenflies as well as whiteflies can be detached simply with some pesticide.

The food of bonsai may vary from a week to two weeks. Never feed the plant until and unless it wants it. Bonsai can be trimmed at any period of the year. When the plant is immature, fresh growth has to be cut each month for a strong plant. If you discover your bonsai being somewhat big, this is the correct time to slash down the branches. The colors found are red, cherry, golden, mauve, violet, orange, as well as white. The dual shapes carry the flowers near the last part of the stem, rather than being equally spread.

Bonsai is on the whole a tree that is grown and formed in a particular method. There are further species that are made use of in bonsai trees. Like the Fir tree and the cedar that are made use to construct a bonsai design, some of these types grow taller and bigger than a usual bonsai. But they still look like the customary bonsai trees.

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Bougainvillea Growers International (BGI) is the Nation's largest bougainvillea grower offering bougainvillea plant care. BOUGAINis the only, specially formulated bougainvillea fertilizer designed to dramatically increase blooms and strengthen bougainvillea brittle root system.